Dude! It's wired!

David Honig honig at sprynet.com
Mon Dec 25 19:39:47 PST 2000

At 09:55 PM 12/25/00 -0500, dmolnar wrote:
>On Sun, 24 Dec 2000, Eric Cordian wrote:
>> Perhaps next year will be better.  I'm almost begining to feel
>> that Cryptology has achieved the status of a "Mature Science."
>It's my impression that mature sciences don't have the same kind of
>foundational or engineering problems cryptography does. 

Infosec is essentially a branch of 'safety systems' (see Leveson, et al),
where you also look at all possible consequences of failure.  The same
problem ---the strength of the system is the strength of the weakest
element--- dominates both arts.



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