china-taiwan and limits of state action

petro petro at
Thu Dec 21 22:57:35 PST 2000

>Recently a friend asked me what my opinion was as a "computer guy" about
>the China-Taiwan "cyber warfare." At first it seemed that there wasn't
>much to say, except maybe to point out that this seems to be a ways away
>from Schwartau's info-war.
>One thing has started to bother me a bit, though. How does mainland China
>distinguish an attack by the Taiwanese state from an attack launched by
>private Taiwainese citizens? Do they even *care*, since they have such
>poor relations with Taiwan anyway?

	Given the nature of China's society and government, I don't 
think they'd even understand the question you are asking.

A quote from Petro's Archives:
"Despite almost every experience I've ever had with federal 
authority, I keep imagining its competence."
John Perry Barlow

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