encryption helps catch a cannibal

Igor Chudov ichudov at algebra.com
Thu Dec 21 07:29:49 PST 2000


Charged with murder

Now, after spending a year behind bars on unrelated charges, Bar-Jonah
has been charged with murder in the death of 8-year-old Zachary Ramsay,
who vanished while walking to school in 1996. The boy's body has never
been found, Light said.

But an FBI encryption expert, who stumbled across a coded message among
Bar-Jonah's papers earlier this year, found what authorities now believe
was a kind of confession of cannibalism, Light said.

According to court documents, the carefully encoded messages contained
graphic phrases, including "Lunch is Served on the Patio with Roasted
Child," "Roasted Kid," and "Little Boy Stew."

In other writings, the 44-year-old Bar-Jonah, formerly known as David
Brown, exalted the virtues of his favorite meal, "gay blade," Light said,
a chilling statement that has led authorities to suspect that Zachary may
not have been the first of Bar-Jonah's victims to meet a violent end --
or to have been consumed by his killer.

"This could just be the tip of the iceberg," Light said.


	- Igor.

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