This is why a free society is evil.

Jim Choate ravage at
Fri Dec 15 16:13:03 PST 2000

On Fri, 15 Dec 2000, Tim May wrote:

> -- If an employee doesn't like the calendar that another employee has 
> on his desk, she can talk to others in the company. Maybe they'll 
> have it removed. But she CANNOT use the courts to intervene in a 
> matter of how the company's owners deal with their property.

Her civil liberties aren't the employers property. Further, the PRIVILIGE
of running a business does not have greater importance than freedom of
speech and such.

Simply having a desire to run a company does not justify using other
people as property nor dictating behaviours that don't DIRECTLY effect the
process of making profit. Democratic theory demands that unless the
calendar can be demonstrably infringing a civil liberty it shouldn't be an
issue. Freedom until you infringe anothers.

The fundamental flaw with Libertarianism is it's myopic focus on economic
efficiency. It's just another form of oppression via another face of

Jefferson warned us about these sorts of people, like Tim and Declan, many
years ago.

"The English would not lose the sale of a bale of furs for the
 freedom of the whole world."

And he also had a rebutt to Tim's oft claimed right to not respect others

"A nation as a society forms a moral person, and every member of it is
 personally responsible for his society."


"There is a debt of service due from every man to his country,
 proportioned to the bounties which nature and fortune have measured him."

As to the often claimed that the best (ie most intelligent) are most
suited to govern society,

"Whatever be the degree of talent it is no measure of right; because Sir
 Isaac Newton was superior to others in understanding, he was not
 therefore lord of the person or property of others."

As to money being the primary goal of society and it having some ability
to guarantee anything approaching 'justice',

"Money and not morality is the principle of commerce and commercial


           Before a larger group can see the virtue of an idea, a
           smaller group must first understand it.

                                           "Stranger Suns"
                                           George Zebrowski

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
                           -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

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