AT&T signs bulk hosting contract with spammers

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at
Fri Dec 15 18:06:14 PST 2000

>On Fri, 15 Dec 2000, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>>BTW the first things the Feds are now saying when they speak in public
>>is that they do not come in and cart off everything you own. At least
>>that's the latest spin. :)

Of course they don't.  Carting stuff is a job for union workers,
so that's done by the General Services Administration, unless there's
some other local union contract that requires your city's workers to do it.
And deciding whether you own things or not is a long legal process,
as is identifying what things you might own that are somewhere else.
So instead they just have the aforementioned union or city workers
cart away everything you _have_, and cart back anything later determined
to belong to someone else, unless it looks suspictious, of course.

Bill Stewart, bill.stewart at
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