
Trei, Peter ptrei at rsasecurity.com
Wed Dec 6 09:49:41 PST 2000

There's also a Linux port, if you want to kid yourself that you're
going to check the OS security yourself.

Peter Trei

> ----------
> From: 	mmotyka at lsil.com[SMTP:mmotyka at lsil.com]
> Reply To: 	mmotyka at lsil.com
> Sent: 	Wednesday, December 06, 2000 12:00 PM
> To: 	cypherpunks at cyberpass.net
> Subject: 	iPaq
> The device has extension ports that allow PCMCIA and Compact Flash.
> These adapters are in the $50 range. There are wireless modems available
> but they're fairly pricey : ~$350 for the modem, $50.month for the
> service. All in all it looks pretty good. Schematics/specs open, Linux/X
> already ported. The specs are reasonable ( unlike Palm ) it's a 206MHz
> ARM9, USB, Audio, 320x240x12bit display, 16Mb FLASH, 32Mb DRAM if I
> recall correctly. Throw in a 512Mb IBM microdrive, CFS, it's not bad.
> Looks like the most secure option to me. Gateway SW over USB ( even for
> M$ OS ) shouldn't be too tough. I guess you could trust an M$ machine to
> handle already encrypted packets.

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