Missed News: US Adopts Euro Cyber Crime Proposal ...

Tim May tcmay at got.net
Tue Dec 5 21:00:07 PST 2000

At 10:30 PM -0500 12/5/00, Bill Stewart wrote:
>At 12:16 AM 12/5/00 -0500, Tim May wrote:
>>I wonder who the Tim McVeigh of the Left will be?
>Well, there's the guy who blew up the Wisconsin Army Research Center
>math building in the 70s (at night, and they hadn't known there was
>one person still in the building) who used ANFO.
>I think Bernadine Doern was part of the Columbia bomb-makers,
>though she may have been some other bunch of leftists.
>For more recent events, even though there isn't much of a Left left,
>you could either believe the FBI saying Judi Bari blew up
>herself and her friend with a pipe bomb a few years back,
>or believe everybody else who think the cops did it.
>(The friend was killed; Judy was injured, and she recently
>died of cancer.)

She and her friend were on their way to speak in my town, Santa Cruz.

And there had been a power outage a few months earlier, caused by 
power lines being blown up, and claimed to be an action by "Earth 
Action Night." Many of us here in Santa Cruz assumed that Judy was 
transporting another bomb down to this area.

I don't believe her friend was killed in the blast, though. Let me go check...

Nope, her passenger, Darryl Cherney, did not die.

I have no knowledge one way or another about whether the FBI did it, 
rivals did it, or they were transporting a bomb to the Santa Cruz 
area for another "Earth Action Night" bombing. I tend toward the 
latter view.

--Tim May
(This .sig file has not been significantly changed since 1992. As the
election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

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