Missed News: US Adopts Euro Cyber Crime Proposal ...

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Tue Dec 5 07:18:56 PST 2000

Nah. Barry has been at the ACLU for 30 yrs. He's lived through the
Republican NWO of Reagan and Bush.

When Clinton took over, the ACLU was giddy, thinking they had a friend
in the White House. Whoops.


On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 12:16:11AM -0500, Tim May wrote:
> This is old news to followers of the New World Order, the Blue 
> Helmets, and the Zionist Occupation Government.
> Barry S. is reacting quickly to the changing ground truth of the 
> election: the civil liberties groups used to avoid such implications 
> of the NWO, but now that Republicans are about to take over, the ACLU 
> will likely soon be talking about black helicopters and re-education 
> camps being built to house the political prisoners.
> I wonder who the Tim McVeigh of the Left will be?

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