Buying Mein Kampf via the Net

Tim May tcmay at
Sat Dec 2 13:12:08 PST 2000

At 3:35 PM -0500 12/2/00, David Honig wrote:
>At 10:54 AM 12/2/00 -0500, Tom Vogt wrote:
>>Duncan Frissell wrote:
>>>  Germany's Kampf Furor Renews by Steve Kettmann
>>actually, contrary to almost all other cases of censorship (not that I
>>say this isn't) the german state of bavaria owns the COPYRIGHT of "mein
>Hitler's estate would be the natural heir (under US law :-), although I can
>believe that .de would seize it too, if he had no heir, or if they
>didn't like him.
>The notion of Germany suing for copyright infringement of M.K.
>certainly whets the surrealist's appetite...
>Some Quebecois should translate it to french and get a Yahoo link :-)

Though I understand you are joking, the obvious point is that "Mein 
Kampf" was translated into French many years ago...sometime between 
1940 and 1945, one would expect, if not earlier.

I did a quick Google search to see if the French translation is 
online anywhere. I couldn't find any obvious links. Much discussion 
of the Yahoo and Amazon issues, though.

The Thought Police are coming!

--Tim May
(This .sig file has not been significantly changed since 1992. As the
election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

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