Buying Mein Kampf via the Net

Duncan Frissell frissell at
Fri Dec 1 11:19:35 PST 2000

Real howler from Wired News:

Germany's Kampf Furor Renews by Steve Kettmann

2:00 a.m. Dec. 1, 2000 PST

BERLIN -- News this week that a Munich state prosecutor was investigating 
allegations that Yahoo Deutschland had sold copies of Mein Kampf could help 
build momentum in Germany for more sweeping restrictions on such material....,1283,40430,00.html

Attention Germans.  It is trivially easy to buy a book that your keepers 
don't want you to buy.  Click here to search the best used book met search 
engine to find copies of Mein Kampf:

You will currently find some 330 copies (minus dupes) for sale at various 
used book stores in the US.  You are guaranteed to find one willing to ship 
you a copy.


Johnny had four truckloads of plutonium.
Johnny used four truckloads of plutonium to light New York City for a year.
Then how many truckloads of plutonium did Johnny have?
   -- Breeder reactor ad from the glory days of nuclear power at the Edison 
Electric Institute. 

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