Anonymouse CC's downunder?

Matthew X profrv at
Sun May 16 06:26:27 PDT 1999

ACCC welcomes credit card reforms
August 27 2002
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said today it welcomed 
the Reserve Bank of Australia's (RBA) credit card reforms.
"The ACCC has worked closely with the Reserve Bank since the designation of 
the credit card network in April 2001 and strongly believes that the 
reforms will lead to a more competitive and efficient credit card network 
in Australia," ACCC chairman Professor Allan Fels said.
"Increased competition and efficiency will be to the benefit of both 
Australian businesses and consumers."
Professor Fels said a system allowing new entrants to issue credit cards or 
provide merchant services will open up what is currently a closed shop.
RBA to slash hidden fees
Australia's central bank will slash the hidden fees banks charge for credit 
card transactions by almost half, open up the system to new competitors and 
allow retailers to charge cardholders for the cost of accepting credit 
cards. more
Key points in RBA credit card reforms
ACCC welcomes credit card reforms
Reform to cut cost of goods, services

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