Mutant advances on Trantor.

Matthew X profrv at
Fri May 14 08:33:39 PDT 1999

War of the worlds
Essay exploring the theory that Osama bin Laden was influenced by Isaac 
Asimov's 1951 science fiction classic Foundation, which was translated into 
Arabic under the title 'al-Qaida' ( Giles Foden via Guardian )
See also this article by Dmitri Gusev from October, and this article by 
Nick Mamatas from February
Aide says Nidal confessed to Lockerbie bombing
Write-through of an interview with Atef Abu Bakr, a 'former colleague' of 
recently deceased extremist and criminal Abu Nidal, in which he claims that 
prior to his death Nidal confessed to the 1988 Lockerbie bombing
( Guardian )
See also this Reuters coverage, the interview itself (PDF) in Arabic, this 
evaluation of the Lockerbie trial by Hans Köchler from 2001, and this blog 
entry from last month

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