Snowing them with science

Matthew X profrv at
Wed May 12 03:30:12 PDT 1999

Just read an exchange on scent packets as possible evidence on 
hatfield.There are at least 2 cases led by scientific experts that led to 
wrong guilty verdicts in au.
1 was a case where flakes of paint obtained at a suspects house led to his 
conviction for murder.It was suggested at the trial a high force hurricane 
would be required to move the flakes into the suspects house.Turned out all 
the houses in the district had the same air borne flakes.Convicted killer 
was released.
The other case was Azaria Chamberlin's.Scientific evidence was later found 
to be mistaken and she was released.These are just 2 cases that I know of 
offhand in au.
The care and handling of scientific evidence is another contentious 
subject,it has also led to possible wrong verdicts,such as OJ's.To be on 
the safe side though, it may be wise to scrub up well,use 2 sets of gloves 
with lots of cayenne pepper and take lots of showers when sending anthrax 
letters.Also don't provide so much fucking text you drongo.

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