VENONA Echelon precursor.

Matthew X profrv at
Wed May 12 01:36:40 PDT 1999

Fortress Australia
Fortress Australia uncovers one of the most extraordinary chapters in 
Australia's history - the brazen attempt by successive Australian 
governments to fortress the nation with atomic weapons. This groundbreaking 
film reveals a web of intrigue as it penetrates a murky world of diplomatic 
double-dealing and atomic espionage. Set against a backdrop of cold war 
paranoia and fear of Asian aggression, it explores the motives of the 
politicians, defence chiefs and scientists who set out to buy, then 
ultimately build, a nuclear arsenal.
Learning Areas: History
DurationDuration: 55 mins
Year of Release:2002
Broadcast Date:August 22
Broadcast Time:10pm
Channel:ABC TV
Acknowledgements:A Film Australia National Interest Program. Produced with 
the assistance of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
Link:Fortress Australia
Study Guide: Fortress Australia

In a new documentary on au research on WOMD.It was revealed that the 
russians had their agents rout crucial wartime Intel through au as they 
could access it there.

The Secret Bid for the Atomic Bomb
This is a story all Australians should know about. Students of history, 
politics and science will find it illuminating. Teachers will find it a 
particularly useful resource.
Fortress Australia uncovers one of the most extraordinary chapters in 
Australia's history - the brazen attempt by successive Australian 
governments to fortress the nation with atomic weapons. This groundbreaking 
film reveals a web of intrigue as it penetrates a murky world of diplomatic 
double-dealing and atomic espionage. Set against a backdrop of cold war 
paranoia and fear of Asian aggression, it explores the motives of the 
politicians, defence chiefs and scientists who set out to buy, then 
ultimately build, a nuclear arsenal.
You can download a preview of Fortress Australia and an introduction by 
Richard Butler, Chief of UN Special Commission to Disarm Iraq 1997-1999, 
who says:
Australia is well known for its efforts on behalf of nuclear disarmament. 
For example, at the United Nations it tabled the comprehensive test ban 
treaty. But that wasn't always the case.
The surprising story that most people don't know is that for at least two 
decades Australia made repeated and serious attempts to acquire nuclear 

Also that a top expert in the MILIND complex recomended that au develop 
chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction.Paul Baxters comments 
made headlines in local papers earlier this year.AU supports UN security 
council resolutions when it suits the Govt of the day.An especially 
subservient US puppet mob is in power at the moment.Doco has footage of the 
'dirty' monte bello testand a rainforest 'small nuke' test of 50 tons of 
TNT,operation blowdown.

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