Raise the Fist.Its anarchy I tell you.

Matthew X profrv at nex.net.au
Sat May 8 10:05:55 PDT 1999

  editors at raisethefist.com

Special thanx to http://hypodermic.net for donating server space to 
Raisethefist.com. And Kiko for helping us to obtain our remotely backed up 

It's been over a month since Raisethefist.com was shut down by the U.S 
Government. Despite the major loss of data, and all of our computer 
equipment, we're proud to anounce that Raisethefist is back up online, on a 
remote server. Luckly, after being denied access to our backed up files, 
we've finally been able to obtain them thanx to persistant letter writing 
and donations.

Our backups were a few months old, so sadly, some articles are still lost, 
however the majority of the site's content, and code is intact.
Site includes self publishing,links,anarcho-radio and more.Real anarchists!

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