MS sprung bad,looks like CJ was right about Gates.

Matthew X profrv at
Sun May 2 21:17:18 PDT 1999

Mysterious plague hits 

MS recruits for Palladium microkernel and/or DRM platform
By John Lettice
Posted: 13/08/2002 at 10:23 GMT
Microsoft's efforts to disassociate Palladium from DRM seem to have hit 
their first speed bump. Some voices within the company (and we currently 
believe these voices to be right and sensible) hold the view that Palladium 
has to be about users' security if it's to stand any chance of winning 
hearts and minds, and that associating it with protecting the music 
business' IP will be the kiss of death. So they'll probably not be best 
pleased by the Microsoft job ad that seeks a group program manager 
"interested in being part of Microsoft's effort to build the Digital Rights 
Management (DRM) and trusted platforms of the future (Palladium)."

Oh dear. It's one of a clutch of Palladium job ads currently up on the 
site, and is the most blatantly off-message one. While the authors of 
Microsoft's discussion white paper on Palladium say, "Palladium will not 
require Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology, and DRM will not 
require Palladium... They are separate technologies," the author of this ad 
continues: "Our technology allows content providers, enterprises and 
consumers to control what others can do with their digital information, 
such as documents, music, video, ebooks, and software. Become a key leader, 
providing vision and industry leadership in developing DRM, Palladium and 
Software Licensing products and Trust Infrastructure Services. If you are 
looking for an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a critical new 
area for MS and a position with autonomy and growth, then this is an ideal 

Content providers controlling their documents, music, video, ebooks, a 
critical new area for MS, oh dear oh dear. And we quite liked: "Additional 
responsibilities include defining the industry..." Gosh, the whole 
industry? That's a responsible job, but we thought Microsoft was supposed 
to have given this sort of thing up. The post will also "include 
collaboration and technology sharing across CSBU [Content Security Business 
Unit, whose bag Palladium is] and with other MS teams, such as Office, STS, 
Avalon, CLR, Windows Media Foundation, eHome, Pocket PC, Mira, MSXML, GXA, 
and .Net Framework."

There's a handy list of current MS teams for you, people. So Windows Media 
is a Foundation now, and what's an Avalon when it's at home, anyone?

Job two, SDE lead, is much more on message and quite interesting, as it 
provides some clues about the way Palladium will be built. "What is 
Palladium? We are a windows team working on new, trust-oriented Windows 
features, re-architecting and re-developing the Windows PC platform from 
the hardware up. We will dramatically enhance the level of Security 
available to any customer who wishes to enhance the Privacy, Security, and 
Data/Content Protection aspects of their applications. We will offer 
customers a very high level of data protection, no matter where they live, 
who they are, or what they are trying to protect." Aside from that 
Data/Content Protection, it's almost unworrying. Here's the techie bit:

"Own lean and mean team of 4 senior developers building the very guts of 
this new security software. This is one of the very few opportunities to 
build a micro-kernel from scratch. We’re keeping everything that’s cool 
about a micro-kernel and nothing that’s not. Responsibilities include: 
abstraction of hardware from the security modes of the new CPUs to 
cryptographic input devices, process control, from laying out the image in 
memory, to providing system services, from providing memory management to 
interrupt handling, from a debugger to the fundamentals of structured 
exception handling. No file system, no networking, nothing complicated, 
only elegant. This is a dream job."

Indeed it is. The approach sounds similar to the one the early NT 
development team took, before marketing started maiming the thing.

Also wanted is a secure application architect, who "will be responsible for 
application strategy and design. The Secure Application Architect will work 
with development, marketing and internal and external customers to identify 
trusted application scenarios that will be supported. He/she will then be 
responsible for executing the strategy: providing support and guidance for 
application developers, and working with the internal Palladium team to 
ensure that the necessary system services and infrastructure are in place." 
So this one could be the nark. Apply here, here or here. ®

Great reversed engineered intelligence from the carrion eaters."I wanna 
bite that hand so badly..."Especially after a night and a day at the Opera.
If your using free Opera,you can get rid of the ads with a little 
hacking...just don't get caught now its a class A felony.

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