Miraculous Health productTo Benefit Millions. 7825lbEv2-036uzrd-16

drinkenergy5573s35 at yahoo.com drinkenergy5573s35 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 6 21:37:40 PDT 1999

If I could show you how YOU can repair your body from the cellular/DNA level by just 
drinking water, would you be interested?


What if you could hear testimonials from people who are using this product and 
have seen phenomenal results in a short period of time, simply by drinking this water, 
providing their body the means to repair itself.  Can you take 30 minutes out of your day 
to LISTEN to a call?


Many have reported that simply drinking this water has had a positive impact on
degenerative diseases in record breaking times, from cataracts to obesity, diabetes, 
ulcers, acne, arthritis, high blood pressure, baldness, wrinkles, gray hair, scars, acne, 
tooth decay, eczema, emphysema, snoring,  removes PLAQUE FROM ARTERIES like 
Chelation therapy, and is great for plants and gardens, as it even keeps grass green in 
the winter! 


This product is BRAND NEW to the United States.  It was developed out of the country 
and has been used very successfully for 8 years with a 99% reorder rate.  Once you 
try this product, you WILL reorder!


This product is in the beginning stages of sweeping the nation very quickly!  Whether or 
not you are interested in building a business with these products, you MUST try this 
product for your health.  Want to build a business?  It doesn’t get easier than this.  
RESULTS!  Once you see results, you HAVE to tell others.  PLUS, because of the fact 
that people DO reorder, should you decide to become a distributor, there are NO monthly 
requirements!  AND you will still receive commissions.  


It doesn't cost to listen, you'll be sorry if you don't.  Take a few minutes to change your 
life NOW!


New To The USA!  Be First To Join and one of the first to try this miraculous product! 
 Don't Miss Out!

For more information, send an e-mail to: bodyenergy4 at yahoo.com 


Thank you!


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