BUSH ILL-lupus disseminate-BUSH DYING?

Matthew X profrv at nex.net.au
Thu Apr 29 16:32:08 PDT 1999

I will have my little jokes,yet what if vlad bought some over on his trip?
There really was a 'clockwork orange',once...The election of a Labor 
government under Harold Wilson in 1964 caused deep-seated hostility in the 
American and British intelligence communities. The Daily Mirror tycoon 
Cecil King - a long-time MI5 agent - made it clear that he would publish 
"anything MI5 might care to leak" - part of his "coup" which he was 
convinced would bring down the Labor government.
Harold Wilson was in fact a social democrat of moderate political views, 
fully committed to continued membership of NATO and the retention of 
Britain's nuclear forces, and he was a staunch anti-Communist. Nonetheless, 
many extreme right-wing intelligence officers viewed Wilson as a dangerous 
socialist. Wilson's predecessor, Hugh Gaitskell, had died of a rare 
tropical disease, lupus disseminate, following his return from a visit to 
Moscow. Certain paranoid MI5 officers were convinced that Gaitskell had 
been murdered by the KGB to get power for Wilson, who was a Soviet agent. A 
secret plot, code-named Clockwork Orange, was hatched to discredit Wilson 
and the Labor Party.

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