No Subject

Jean-Francois Avon jf_avon at
Tue Sep 29 02:29:46 PDT 1998

Excerpt from the Canadian Firearms Digest, V2 #612

================ begin forwarded opinion ===============
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 13:40:01 -0600
From: someone at
Subject: RCMP now have .50 cal. BMG's

I have just learned from a highly reliable confidential source 
that in addition to the .50 cal  McMillian sniper rifles and 
the untalked about Barrett Light .50's, the RCMP  have now added 
to  their arsenal a number of .50 cal. Browning Machine Guns. 

Staff from the RCMP are headed to Belgium to be trained in 
the armoring of these military heavy  machine guns. Machine 
guns may at some point be used against the Canadian public, 
possibly to  quell a native disturbance or other civil unrest. 
If we were attacked by outside forces the military  would be 
the pressed into service, as this is not the role of the RCMP. 

This leads one to ask what use the RCMP, who are a police force 
not an army in occupation,  would have for such heavy armament 
...... or is it possible that I have it wrong, possibly they 
are  now an army in occupation. Is it possible that the RCMP 
are now the political policing arm of the  Government. 

The lethality of this weapon makes pepper spray look like a 
Sunday shower. Maybe this is the  next weapon demonstrators 
will be facing at the orders of the PM's office.
================ end forwarded opinion ================

Ciao all.

Definition:  FASCISM: n.:  a political and economic movement, strongly nationalistic, magnifying the rights of the state as opposed to those of the individual, in which industry, though remaining largely under private ownership, and all administrative
political units, are controlled by a strong central government.
"One of the ordinary modes by which tyrants accomplish their purpose, without resistance, is by disarming the people and making it an offense to keep arms".  - Joseph Story, U.S. Supreme Court Justice.
the German gun control laws were enacted by the "liberal" Weimar Republic government that preceded Hitler, and were a strong aid to his coming to power -- because they disarmed Hitler's opponents, and Hitler's adherents ignored them -- as criminals have always ignored gun control laws.

Disarming the public is a frequent first step toward dictatorships and genocides.  Once the disarming is complete, the public is helpless against those who have the guns.        -------------------------------------------------

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