Anonymous nobody at
Sat Sep 26 23:53:15 PDT 1998

On 27 Sep 1998, Anonymous wrote:

> Paul is coming from AOL using Netscape as a mailer and using the
> open relay at

He's admitted this at least once in a sidebar on a message, as I seem to
recall, so it's nothing new. It does go to show conflict of interest, and
it could be claimed that he's trying to make himself feel better, I

Looking back, he's used AOL for most of his postings, except for one I
came across which apparently came from an admin machine at, so he
isn't exploiting some random open relay somewhere. Generally they all
route through

I can't speak for Paul, but I figure that he's probably doing what he once
said that he is, and using a modem link to AOL, using AOL for a routing
service, then routing mail through the relay at CES. I don't know why
someone would want to do that if they're sitting on a university network,
but it doesn't matter much.

I just checked: the relay does appear to be an open relay. I just hope
spammers don't wind up finding out which, of course, they probably will
after that post.

Can we have some signal somewhere, please?

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