IP: Privacy: FTC Losing Patience w/Business

Reeza! howree at cable.navy.mil
Thu Sep 24 11:13:04 PDT 1998

At 03:20 PM 9/24/98 -0500, Petro wrote:
>At 2:31 AM -0500 9/24/98, Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:
>>From: believer at telepath.com
>>Subject: IP: Privacy: FTC Losing Patience w/Business
>>Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 07:33:09 -0500
>>To: believer at telepath.com
>>Source:  New York Times
>>September 21, 1998
>>F.T.C. 'Losing Patience' With Business on
>>A site called Soccer Patch (www.soccerpatch.com) is a trading post for
>>soccer-playing children who want to trade team patches. It lists the names,
>>e-mail addresses and in some cases the hometowns of children who want to
>>trade patches. That is a red flag for F.T.C. enforcers. They worry that
>>child molesters can use the information to find victims.
>	Since when is it the job of the F.T.C worry about child molesters?

It's always been Big Brothers business, to mind other peoples business.


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