Clinton's fake apologies (fwd)

Duncan Frissell frissell at
Mon Sep 21 00:28:41 PDT 1998

At 12:14 PM 9/21/98 -0700, Michael Motyka wrote:

>In spite of their <numerous?> shortcomings, many of today's politicians
>in both parties seem to be fairly pragmatic, 'middle of the road' types.
>If the only people who can pass muster under the emerging standards are
>religous fundamentalists then we will have a Bill of Rights under attack
>problem that is another order of magnitude greater than we have right
>now. Scares me because while I'm pretty much a live and let live sort,
>some of the fundamentalists I've known are not very tolerant. 

The commies I've known are even less tolerant:

>From: OBRL-News <demeo at>
>To: obrl-news at lists.village.Virginia.EDU
>Subject:- FDA Book-Burning... Again!
>Orgone Biophysical Research Lab <demeo at>
>Forwarded News Item
>Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups
>>         FDA Orders Destruction of Stevia Books
>>On May 20, 1998, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
>>ordered the destuction of 2,500 books about the herbal sweetener
>>stevia. A small company in Arlington Texas, Stevita, Co., was
>>visited by the FDA and forced to stop selling stevia and books
>>that mention that stevia can be used as a sweetener.

Just another regulatory book burning.  (Oops, book *pulping* burning is
environmentally incorrect.

There are plenty of commies itching to fine me, fire me, or lock me up for
criticizing congresscritters within 6 months of an election (campaign
finance reform), refusing to attend their re-education and self criticism
sessions (racial/sexual harassment awareness training), or mailing a number
10 envelope customers (illegal medical device labeling - I kid you not). 

A fundie admin would issue fewer total regs than a commie-liberal admin
(experience suggests) so freedom would be in better shape on balance.
Chart the annual pages of the Federal Register issued by Dems vs Reps.
Dems are *way* out in front.  Taxes would almost certainly be lower
(Clinton's are the highest in peacetime history).

I wouldn't worry.  If we survived Clinton we can survive the Republicans.
Meanwhile the Presidency has been weakened.



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