Clinton's fake apologies (fwd)

Petro petro at
Sun Sep 20 22:32:56 PDT 1998

At 11:50 AM -0500 9/21/98, Michael Motyka wrote:
>Starr's base approach to justice is the opening shot of what I hope
>turns into an all-out scorched-earth battle. Let 'em all fall down. I'm
>just afraid that when it's over the only people who will be willing to
>run for public office will be truly dangerous people who have no respect
>for liberty not of their own definition.

	Which is different from today how?

petro at work related issues. I don't speak for Playboy.
petro at everthing else.      They wouldn't like that.
                                              They REALLY
Economic speech IS political speech.          wouldn't like that.

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