MISTY encryption algorithm source code

Soren sorens at workmail.com
Sun Sep 13 15:50:28 PDT 1998


lcs Mixmaster Remailer wrote:
Nobuki Nakatuji wrote:

> MISTY source code posted by me at long ago had many mistake.
> Attachment file are revised MISTY source code and revised readme.
> Thanks.
> ______________________________________________________
> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

BRAIN used by you always since at long ago have many insect. Attachment
brain not here because was exhausted in decypher you message. You go
at Hotmail now and stop spam Cypherpunks list. Chop chop.
And of course we know that this list should be the exclusive province of
white-boys-who-speak-american-english.  Give us all a laugh, and attempt
saying that in Japanese.  BTW, get the culture for your cultural slurs
correct.  The etymology of chop chop is Shanghai, late 19th century. 
A chop is an engraved ideogram representing a non-forgeable signature -
sort of a smartcard.  Hence chop chop, translates as "sign on the
dotted line and get on with the deal". Taking this a little further, chopsticks
are so-called because they usually bear the 'chop' of the eating house
from whence you stole them.  Needless to say, the chinese don't call
them that. This is akin to messages to you, being in spanish because your
neighbors to the south speak it.  I suspect Nakatuji-san is entirely
'misty'fied by your random cultural references. Unless you haven't realized,
the internet actually exists outside of the Union of Shortsighted Assholes. 
Perhaps you'd be happier returning to your nakama on Assholes On-Line?  
Here's a self-study course,
on asian anatomical and cultural differences, for your perusal.

"Educate, don't agitate"

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