Clinton--Why I am Chortling

Alan Olsen alan at
Sat Sep 12 08:38:31 PDT 1998

On Sat, 12 Sep 1998, Tim May wrote:

> I've seen several Cypherpunks express the opinion that can be summarized as
> "We paid $40 million for _this_?" And "Ken Starr is on a witch hunt."
> Indeed, a lot of money spend by the Independent Prosecutor. And Starr is
> indeed a Grand Inquisitor.

"Our weapons are Fear, Surprise, and our fanatical devotion to the
Demipublican party." 

> But he is following the law, and Attorney General Janet Reno authorized his
> latest venture.
> I'm generally pleased with what's happening. Many points to make:


Another that I think is relivant:

* He has been very anti-encryption for the American public, but is very
willing to use it to protect his own ass.  The hypocrasy of the situation
is glaring.

> Ironically, this situation is now so well known that such a statement would
> almost certainly be taken by a judge today as contempt of court. And yet we
> put up with having this lying sack of shit in the White House.
> I am chortling.

"Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!"

alan at | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply
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