A Cypherpunk Trial, Yes

Trei, Peter ptrei at securitydynamics.com
Thu Sep 10 18:50:59 PDT 1998

	Graham-John Bullers [SMTP:real at EDMC.net] wrote:

	>As i'am one of persons mention in Toto's posts I
	>would just like to say I think the posts were a
	>joke.  With the help of of Vullis I was a pain to
	>the list and this was Toto's way of acknowledging
	>this To the government readers of this list,the
	>cigar was Cuban,will you put Bill in the cell with

	I, too, was suprised to find myself mentioned in
	one of the postings John Young has highlighted.  I
	hadn't noticed this before, since Toto's rants
	were among the 50%+ of cpunks postings I marked as
	read without actually reading them.

	The Poster Currently Known As Toto mentioned an
	awful lot of people by name, purportedly engaged
	in all kinds of nefarious activities.  The same
	post also names Tim May, Adam Back, Declan
	McCullagh, Ulf Moller, Kent Crispen, and Blanc
	Weber. I'm let off easy, being characterized 
	as only a 'terroist [sic] InterNet forger'. 
	I think that this is because I once complained 
	when someone (possibly Toto) forged a message 
	in my name. To put it in the plainest possible
	terms: I have never in my life forged a message.

	Peter Trei

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