IP: [FP] FW: Americans love a police state

Vladimir Z. Nuri vznuri at netcom.com
Tue Sep 8 19:31:26 PDT 1998

From: "ScanThisNews" <mcdonalds at airnet.net>
Subject: IP: [FP] FW: Americans love a police state
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 06:46:54 -0500
To: ignition-point at majordomo.pobox.com

[Forwarded message]

[The driver's license/ID serves as the link, giving police the "authority"
to set up so-called "DUI checkpoints." These are in reality ID checkpoints.
That is the fact. They can stop you and ask to se the DL/ID because it
actually belongs to the state and the state can demand it any time they
like. The next time you hear someone talking about how great these DUI stops
are, just remember, they are really ID checkpoints -- do you have your


WND - Letters to the editor

Americans love a police state

I think I've said this before but I'm amazed how our society (America)
has adopted like a favorite pet, the concept of DUI CHECKPOINTS. They
don't even call them POLICE CHECKPOINTS but DUI CHECKPOINTS because the
MAD mothers convinced America that everyone must be a drunk driver,
therefore you need DUI CHECKPOINTS. Remember, it is for the

I heard a news brief this morning telling viewers "this holiday weekend
most law enforcement agencies in the city and county (San Diego) will be
conducting DUI checkpoints." Then the report showed statistics of a
checkpoint that was conducted last night saying 643 cars were checked
and 4 drivers were arrested, three for DUI while seven cars were
impounded. My math shows that only less than one half of one-percent
(00.47 percent) were DUI in the checkpoint last night. This clearly
should be evidence to the Beanie Baby collectors in their sport utility
vehicles that people who are not intoxicated while driving are being
subject to arrest for other items along with drivers having their cars
towed because they missed an insurance payment or did not register their
car because the new SMOG II standards caused their car to be classified
as a
GORE or GROSS POLLUTER. By the way, the insurance companies in America
are some of the
most corrupt and greedy institutions that contribute to all those
politicians who require you have insurance. Talk about the oligarchs in
Russia, we have them here already!

As Americans we thought we had free speech and free movement but not
with these
checkpoints. And you know how they tell you that you can turn around
before a checkpoint to avoid it? WRONG! The Supreme Court did rule that
there must be a sign with a point that vehicles may do a 180 but the
problem is that law enforcement actively posts a patrol vehicle or two
with lights off near that turn-around point and then they follow whoever
avoids the checkpoint and stop them on probable cause.

When will these checkpoints seize cash if you cannot account for the
$1,000 you carry? They are already doing this at the border leaving
America. When will these checkpoints seize anti-government printed
e-mail messages (I carry this kind of stuff in my car, sometimes books
on the New World Order or Illuminati) because of a new ANTI-TERRORIST
LAW? This week your friendly politicians held hearings interviewing
Louis Freeh of FBI and ex-CIA Directors (most of the ex-Directors are
dead now, i.e. Colby and Casey, etc., so I think they only had one to
use) with an active discussion that items that were
originally thrown out of the ANTI TERRORIST BILL need to be re-included
to protect against those nasty Islamic terrorists. Sure!

I also have a King James Bible in my car (been accident free for at
least 300,000 miles) and maybe one day at the checkpoint they'll grab
that and say "don't get caught with that again." "You know those
Christians are dangerous people" the two cops will say to one another,
"those Christians are against abortion and euthanasia, can you believe
that Sam?"


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Groom [mailto:gs924jfj at mon-cre.net]
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 1998 5:11 AM
To: Current Events
Subject: Americans love a police state

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