jkthomson jkthomson at bigfoot.com
Mon Sep 7 17:48:15 PDT 1998

At 06:28 PM 9/7/98 EDT, CRBREW9802 at aol.com wrote:
>how did u do it

i tink i smarter 'dan you, 'dats how.

 james 'keith' thomson <jkthomson at bigfoot.com>  www.bigfoot.com/~ceildh
 jkthomson:C181 991A 405C EAFB 2C46 79B5 B1DC DB78 8196 122D [06.07.98]
 ceildh   :1D79 59AF ED75 5945 6003 8240 DA34 ACCA 9DE4 6BC9 [05.14.98]
 ICQ:746241 <keys> at pgp.mit.edu     ...and former sysop of tnbnog BBS
Knocked; you weren't in.                                  - Opportunity

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