What we are Fighting

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Mon Sep 7 14:59:32 PDT 1998

On Mon, 7 Sep 1998, Tim May wrote:
> However, "crypto in a crime" has not become law yet. And if we can keep
> those pesky "civil rights" lobbyists in D.C. neutralized, maybe it never
> will be. With any luck, these curriers of favor are inside the fallout
> pattern from Bin Laden's nuke.

Taking no position on "public interest" groups for this post, I'd still
note that such lobbyists don't really drive legislation in this area. It's
business groups, especially the Americans For Computer Privacy alliance,
that are drafting the bills and twisting the arms.

And their E-PRIVACY bill has crypto-in-a-crime in it.


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