Government Regulation & Scienctific Research

Alan Olsen alan at
Mon Sep 7 11:55:52 PDT 1998

On Mon, 7 Sep 1998, Jim Choate wrote:

> Because of the changes in national governments and their increasing desire
> to regulate their citizenry and their economies according to flawed economic
> and social dogma we will see the following:

I have a little bit of a different take on things...

I expect the first world to start to take after the East German model.

-- Those who are precieved as being a possible threat will be
marginalized, jailed, forced to flee, or co-opted.

-- A large portion of the population will be devoted towards control of
the population.  (Either in law enforcement, paid snitches, propaganda, or
similar activities.)

-- Much of the Government's budget will be devoted to citizen control.
(More will be spent on fighting internal threats than defending from
external threats.)  And since "The imposition of order = the escalation of
disorder", it will only spiral downwards.

In 50 years I expect that the creative citizenry will either be
underground, fled, or no longer participating in the active discorse of
the society.  All of the life will be sucked out of the population in
order to fight the "Scapegoats of the Week/Month/Year/Century". 

It will only fall apart when we reach a level where no one wants to live
here any more and it falls apart from internal system failure and

alan at | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply
Alan Olsen            | to my mail, just hit the ctrl, alt and del keys.

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