
Kevlar webmaster at
Thu Oct 22 21:56:32 PDT 1998

And you were just kidding.....,4436,2151220,00.html
Or search zdnet's site for "scam" and choose "A Bull In Bull Market".

At 11:50 PM 10/21/98 +0200, you wrote:
>Here's an idea.  FUCK OFF!  Why don't you go stick a Y2k
>bowling ball up your ass, and never post here again, you
>degenerate piece of shit!  Or better yet, take every member of
>your administrative research department, march them up to the
>roof of the highest building in Silicon Valley, and push them all
>off!  Then throw yourself off, you spineless maggot!
>The only letters I'm looking for are the ones signed by Janet Reno
>to the BATF to march in and kill your entire employee base.  Please
>let me know when those arrive.
>At 12:55 PM 10/21/98 +0000, nations at wrote:
>>                             10/21/98
>>Y2K  Solution!
>>8  Pine  Circle  Dr., Silicon  Valley, Calif.
>>OTC  Company  "TCFG"  21 st. Century  Frontier  Group  has
>>through  several  members  of  their  administrative  research
>>department  leaked  vital  information  about  their  companies  
>>Everyone  was  tight  lipped  and  interviews  were  refused,
>>and  through  un-named  sources  we  have  learned  that  the  
>>technology  and  software  solution  are  in  the  process  of  
>>being  patented!
>>In over  1640  trials, using  various  data  systems  the  use  
>>of  the  new  technology  and  software  solved  the  Y2K
>>problem  100%  of  the  time. 
>>This  small  publicly  traded  company  "TCFG"  which  is  just
>>3  years  old  is  through  various  sources  now  negotiating
>>with  the  "Big  Boys"!
>>"TCFG"  the  letters  to  look  for.....
<Webmaster at>

Does God know Peano Algebra? Or does she not care if strong atheists
couldnt reason their way out of a trap made of Boolean presumptions?

A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing, but zero knowlege is
absolutely subversive.

Overspecialization breeds in weakness. It's a slow death.

Beat your algorithms into swords, your dumb terminals into shields, and
turn virtual machines into battlefields... Let the weak say, "I am strong"
and question authority. 

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