Quark-to-HTML ---- Extensis BeyondPress

listmaster at extensis.com listmaster at extensis.com
Tue Oct 13 01:08:16 PDT 1998

BeyondPress 4.0 
The Award-winning Quark-to-HTML XTension from Extensis

- Convert QuarkXPress to HTML or DHTML with one click
- New! Includes Extensis PhotoAnimator for creating animated GIFs 
- Compatible with QuarkXPress 3.31, 4.0 (Mac), & 4.0 (Win)
- NOW Available for WINDOWS!

Extensis BeyondPress 4.0—our award-winning XTension that takes your QuarkXPress documents to the web—is now available for Windows, with advanced DHTML features!

Extensis BeyondPress allows you to repurpose your existing QuarkXPress documents for the Web.  BeyondPress preserves the layout of your documents using HTML tables or DHTML for cutting-edge design. 

Quickly create animated GIFs with Extensis PhotoAnimator, a new addition to the BeyondPress line-up.  Once created, simply drag the animation into your layout and see it displayed LIVE inside QuarkXPress.  

Finally, add hyperlinks, image maps, and more—right in QuarkXPress. Save hours by repurposing your documents for the Web with Extensis BeyondPress.

Extensis BeyondPress—It’s the best way to take Quark to the Web.

Special Offer:
Purchase BeyondPress for only $299.95!
To download a FREE demo, get information, or to buy on-line, visit http://www.extensis.com/BeyondPress/buyonline

Or call Extensis at 1(800) 796-9798 Ext. 404 or (503) 274-2020 Ext. 404.

BeyondPress is 100% compatible with Quark XPress 3.31 & 4.0.

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P.P.S. This message is intended for North American customers.  If you are located outside of North America and have received this message, please visit  www.extensis.com/purchase/ to find the nearest local distributor in your country.

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