ANNOUNCE: SF Bay Cypherpunks Mtg, Sat 10 Oct, Stanford

Dave Del Torto ddt at
Wed Oct 7 16:59:27 PDT 1998

Online version: <>

SF Bay Area Cypherpunks
October 1998  Physical Meeting

General Info:

  Sat 10 Oct
  1:00 - 5:00 PM
  Stanford University Campus (Palo Alto, California)
    - Tressider Union courtyard

   The October Physical Meeting of the San Francisco Bay Area Cypherpunks
   will be held on Saturday 10 October 1998 from 1-5 PM. This is an "Open
   Meeting on US Soil" and, as always, members of the Public are encouraged
   to attend.

Meeting Agenda:

   Informal pre-meeting gathering

   Agenda TBD on-the-fly at the meeting... Some suggestions:

   CIPHR'99 conference announcement
   MacCrypto'98 summary
   Yet Another Snake-Oil cluster-jerk. This month: "JAWS"
   "Software as Speech" discussion
   Review of Bruce Schneier's Review of TriStrata/TESS
   Cypherpunks/GNU/GPL License discussion
   PGP Keysigning session:
    - Bring a printout of your key's fingerprint/keyid/size + photoID
    - Load your key info into your Pilot or Newton for IR beaming

   Dinner at a nearby restaurant usually follows the meeting.

Featured Speakers:


Meeting Notes for Oct '98:

   The meeting will be shorter this month, because some cypherpunks were not
   ready to present, technical white-papers were not quite written (Nov) or
   the marketing weasels at a company-that-shall-remain-nameless were too
   scared to show up. ;)

   MacCrypto'98 is being held this week nearby at Apple in Cupertino:
   several out-of-town cypherpunks are lurking. Therefore, it's extremely
   likely that agenda items will arise in realtime, so
   "you must be present to win."

   Because of the loose agenda, the meeting will begin slightly later than
   normal: 1:00 pm pre-meeting (instead of noon), 2:00 pm for the meeting.

   This is probably our last outdoor meeting for 1998.

   Unless I'm mistaken, this is our seven-year anniversary meeting(?).

Location Info:

   The meeting location will be familiar to those who've been to our outdoor
   meetings before, but for those who haven't been, it's on the Stanford
   University campus, at the tables outside Tresidder Union, at the end of
   Santa Theresa, just west of Dinkelspiel Auditorium.
   We meet at the tables on the west side of the building, inside the
   horseshoe "U" formed by Tresidder. Ask anyone on campus where Tressider
   is and they'll help you find it.

   Food and beverages are available at the cafe inside Tressider.

Location Maps:

   Stanford Campus (overview, Tresidder highlighted).
   Tresidder Union (zoomed detail view).,312
   Printable Stanford Map (407k).

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