Web TV with 128b exported

Petro petro at playboy.com
Mon Oct 5 18:27:50 PDT 1998

At 4:32 PM -0500 10/6/98, William H. Geiger III wrote:
>   at 11:08 AM, David Honig <honig at sprynet.com> said:
>>MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Oct. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Microsoft Corp.'s (Nasdaq:
>>MSFT - news) WebTV Networks today announced it is the first U.S. company
>>to obtain government approval to export nonkey recovery-based
>>128-bit-strength encryption for general commercial use. WebTV Networks
>>pioneered low-cost access to the Internet, e-mail, financial services and
>>electronic shopping through a television set and a standard phone line.
>>The WebTV(TM) Network service, combined with the WebTV-based Internet
>>terminals and receivers, is the first communications system permitted by
>>the U.S. government to provide strong encryption for general use by
>>non-U.S. citizens in Japan and the United Kingdom. Such strong encryption
>>allows Japanese and United Kingdom subscribers of WebTV to communicate
>>through the WebTV Network (both within national borders and
>>internationally) without fear of interception by unauthorized parties.
>I have my doubts on this. I find it highly unlikely that the FEDs would
>approve this without some form of GAK built in even if it is not in the
>form of "key recovery".

	I don't. If the chinese can buy access to strong Crypto, then Gates
& Crew can get permission to export SSL enabled browsers.
petro at playboy.com----for work related issues. I don't speak for Playboy.
petro at bounty.org-----for everthing else.      They wouldn't like that.
                                              They REALLY
Economic speech IS political speech.          wouldn't like that.

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