Ordered to be celibate?

Rain Dog rain_dog_ at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 3 14:38:12 PDT 1998

Judge Orders Teen To Be Celibate

CAMBRIDGE, Ill. (AP) -- A teen-ager who pleaded guilty to stealing 
must remain celibate for 2 1/2 years unless he gets married, a judge 

Brandon Stevens, 17, was sentenced Wednesday to 30 months probation, 180 
in jail and a $2,000 fine. Henry County Judge Clarke Barnes said Stevens 
have to serve jail time if he completes treatment at a halfway house and 
conditions that include the celibacy rule.

``Certainly he's got no business having sexual relations with people to 
he's not married,'' Barnes said.

Prosecutor Ted Hamer said the requirement was based on the judge's 
learning in
court that Stevens was sexually active, not because of any sexually 

The American Civil Liberties Union said Stevens' sex life is none of the
judge's business.

And it's not clear how to enforce Barnes' order.

``It's sort of a self-policing type of order,'' Hamer said. ``Nobody's 
to be spying on him or looking in windows. I think the judge just hopes 
abide by the order.''

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