IP: CNS - Justice Department Seeks Expanded Power

Vladimir Z. Nuri vznuri at netcom.com
Sat Oct 3 04:13:57 PDT 1998

From: "A.C." <angie at computerhut.net>
Subject: IP: CNS - Justice Department Seeks Expanded Power
Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 00:13:37 -0700
To: ignition-point at majordomo.pobox.com

>Date: Thu, 01 Oct 1998 13:18:40 -0500
>From: Jim Groom <gs924jfj at mon-cre.net>
>To: Current Events <gs924jfj at mon-cre.net>
>Subject: CNS - Justice Department Seeks Expanded Power
>Justice Department Seeks Expanded Power
>01 October, 1998
>By Ben Anderson
>CNS Staff Writer
>(CNS) The United States Justice Department is seeking to expand its
>authority and "obtain massive new enforcement powers" just days before a
>busy Congress scurries to finish business, according to Representative
>Bob Barr (R-GA). 
>If the Justice Department has its wishes, according to Barr, it could
>establish a "permanent FBI Police Force." The Justice Department is
>allegedly trying to get their "wish list" attached to appropriations
>bills to avoid public hearings or debate.
>Barr obtained a "wish list" by the Department which includes expanding
>definitions of terrorism to include domestic crimes unrelated to
>terrorism. The Department is also seeking to seize commercial
>transportation assets for federal use and the ability to commandeer
>personnel from other federal agencies without reimbursement. 
>"These requests belong in some bizarre conspiracy novel," Barr said,
>"not in serious legislative documents being circulated at the top levels
>of federal law enforcement."
>In addition to forcing telephone and Internet companies to divulge
>information on their customers, Justice Department officials are also
>seeking to expand wiretap authority to allow "roving" wiretaps, and
>wiretaps without any court authority, according to Barr. 
>"These proposals represent a sneak attack on the most cherished
>principles of our democracy. If they become a part of our law, freedom
>and privacy in America will be permanently and severely diminished,"
>Barr said. 
>Barr released information yesterday to expose the Justice Department's
>efforts. Barr spokesman Brad Alexander told CNS the department typically
>waits until the congressional atmosphere is clouded with lots of
>legislation to lobby sympathetic Congressmen.
>Alexander told CNS the wiretapping issue is something the Justice
>Department tries to expand at the end of every congressional session. 
>Three phone calls made to the Justice Department by CNS were not
>returned by press time.

                              September 29, 1998


                    WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Representative Bob Barr (GA-7)
                    released today information exposing an effort by the
                    Department of Justice to obtain massive new enforcement
                    powers in the closing days of the 105th Congress.
                    Barr obtained the information from a confidential
                    source within federal law enforcement. Among other
                    things, the Department's "wish list" for new authority
                    includes (among others):

                       + A vastly expanded definition of terrorism to
                         include domestic crimes having no relationship to
                       + The power to seize commercial transportation
                         assets for federal use.
                       + The ability to commander personnel from other
                         federal agencies without reimbursement.
                       + Expanded wiretap authority to allow "roving"
                         wiretaps, and wiretaps without any court
                       + Enlarged asset forfeiture provisions to allow the
                         FBI to seize personal property in both criminal
                         and civil matters.
                       + The establishment of a permanent "FBI Police
                       + Loosening of Posse Comitatus restrictions to allow
                         more military involvement in domestic law
                       + Authority to force telephone and Internet
                         companies to divulge information on their

                    "These requests belong in some bizarre conspiracy
                    novel, not in serious legislative documents being
                    circulated at the top levels of federal law
                    enforcement.  These proposals represent a sneak attack
                    on the most cherished principles of our democracy.  If
                    they become a part of our law, freedom and privacy in
                    America will be permanently and severely diminished,"
                    said Barr.

                    Barr also noted the Department and the FBI are
                    "shopping" this wish list in an effort to get the items
                    placed in a spending measure without hearings or

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