Maturity Is Needed

Mixmaster mixmaster at
Wed Nov 25 17:35:40 PST 1998

In response to:                                     cyp

>Jim Choate is so stupid that even when he accidentally gets something
>right, he quickly "corrects" himself so that he is wrong again:
>> I had typed x/ln(x) as the asymptotic limit for the number of primes less
>> than x.
>> This is incorrect. It should be,
>> x/log(x)

>>Wrong, doofus.  x/ln(x) is the correct asymptotic limit.  What role could
>>logs to the base 10 possibly play?  Do you think God favors the number 10?
>>What a fool you are!Your observations over the years usually seemed 
>>thoughtful, and intelligent, and therefore helpful.

What an human waste this guy is. It reminds me of the 
old days of Reputation. A boorish attack reflects
more poorly on the attacker than the victim, if it is 
an inappropriate attack. Even if stupid, or just mistkaen, 
a comment here is intended toward a larger, instructive 
purpose. This idiot just wastes bandwidth.

Life's too short for this crap. Perhaps it's worth 
trying to reason with people a bit:

Victorian times, like ours today, were a period of huge 
changes, which meant behavioral changes. It cannot be 
an accident that manners, good form, and respectable 
society merged into the legendary image of modern social 
graces. It was done of efficiency, and, so, of necessity.

Inefficient entities decay in capitalism. Manners were 
needed for efficiency. Only today do they seem quaint, 
or insulting of class or social station. They were 
where the action was, among professionals trying to forge 
new economic relationships.

This immature jerk is gonna lose.

An Educated Observer

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