Error Condition Re: Another charge question for you physics genius'es (fwd)

William H. Geiger III whgiii at
Sat Nov 21 16:09:45 PST 1998

In <199811212307.RAA16588 at>, on 11/21/98 
   at 06:03 PM, Jim Choate <ravage at> said:

>Forwarded message:

>> From: "William H. Geiger III" <whgiii at>
>> Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 17:05:10 -0500
>> Subject: Re: Error Condition Re: Another charge question for you physics genius'es (fwd)

>> In <199811212205.QAA16339 at>, on 11/21/98 
>>    at 04:05 PM, Jim Choate <ravage at> said:
>> >I guess Bill's decided to play around with his filtering software....
>> No, listproc has some internal filtering to prevent message loops, subscribe requests, error messages, ect from going out to the main list. Unfortunately these settings can not be adjusted in the list settings but are set at compile time for the software.
>> I have a shitload of error messages in my mailbox I have to sort through and figure out wether listproc is going to be too much of a PITA. I may have to get majordomo installed on the system and use that if this becomes too much of a problem (I really don't have time to be continually babysitting the system).
>> Ahhh the joy and fun of running a CP node. :)


>Good luck and apologies for my incorrect conclusion.

FWIW when a message is rejected both the sender and myself should get CC'd a copy of the message and the reason for the reject so no messages should be "lost". Some of the filtering is nice, like those elmz blank subject error messages are filtered out by the program. Unfortunatly a "good" message gets filtered and I need to manually forward it to the list.

Since I don't have any subscribers yet this has not been a problem. :)

William H. Geiger III
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

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