
Tim May tcmay at
Thu Nov 19 11:36:35 PST 1998

At 8:21 AM -0800 11/19/98, Iain Collins wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-cypherpunks at [mailto:owner-cypherpunks at]On
>> Behalf Of Richard.Bragg at
>> Sent: 19 November 1998 15:15
>> To: cypherpunks at
>> Subject: manners
>> There are ways and means.  If someone requests software that is NOT free
>> then a simple NO will surfice.  A list of contacts to purchase would aid
>> income for the producer.
>> An additional approach would be to suggest alternatives that are free.
>> There is never any call to be rude.
>It is _rude_ to ask for stolen goods - particularly when implicating
>everyone on this list as an accessory to intent to commit piracy - who does
>not report this luser to the authorities in the - process.

Nonsense. I am not "implicated" as an accessory to anything. Speak for
yourself only.

There is no basis in law for the notion that several hundred subscribers to
a mailing list are implicated in something because others talk about it.
Get real.

As for the claim that we are "lusers" if we don't report this request, let
us know how your own report is received. I will check for your posts
regularly, and report you to the proper authorities if you fail in your
self-declared duty here.

--Tim May

Common Y2K line: "I'm not preparing, but I know where _you_ live."
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Licensed Ontologist         | black markets, collapse of governments.

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