FC: More on Network Associates and its crypto-politics

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Wed Nov 18 13:07:29 PST 1998

You're not a US corporation that hopes to use the same software
domestically and abroad, for instance. 

At 01:07 PM 11-18-98 -0700, Douglas L. Peterson wrote:
>Declan McCullagh wrote:
>> William -- your speculation may be true, but for now we can settle for
>> fact: they do support export controls. It makes sense, too: export ctrls
>> create an artificial market for key recovery crypto, which TIS will be
>> happy to sell to you.
>Wouldn't this only work if import controls were put in place?  Right now
>there is very little to keep me from buying non-GAK software from
>other than TIS.

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