network associates back in kra

Max Inux maxinux at
Fri Nov 13 15:39:21 PST 1998

On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Steve Mynott wrote:
>subject says it all
>roll on gpg

Well, They were automagically put back on the list when NAI bought TIS,
this has no baring on PGP at all.  Source code is in stores, and being
scanned as we speak, the PGP developers would not let them initiate any
KRAP stuff with pgp, they value there dignity and integrity.

--   Max Inux <maxinux at>  Hey Christy!!! KeyID 0x8907E9E5
Kinky Sex makes the world go round O R Strong crypto makes the world safe
       If crypto is outlawed only outlaws will have crypto
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