IP: World's biggest hard drive

Vladimir Z. Nuri vznuri at netcom.com
Thu Nov 12 17:00:15 PST 1998

From: believer at telepath.com
Subject: IP: World's biggest hard drive
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 23:15:59 -0600
To: believer at telepath.com


     To mark the centenary of magnetic recording, IBM today unveiled the
largest (25gb) hard drive yet produced for PCs. It's shipping limited
numbers to PC makers for use in machines that will be ready for Christmas.
IBM introduced the first disk drive, back in 1956. It had a capacity of 5mb
and was the size of two large refrigerators. The new 25gb drive comes on
the 100th anniversary of the Telegraphone, a primitive answering machine.
See http://www.ibm.com/News/1998/11/11.phtml  

  From: Alan Farrelly, News Interactive. Australia

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