How to solve the tax problem w/o anarchy or force (fwd)

Reeza! howree at
Tue Nov 10 06:21:04 PST 1998

At 05:25 PM 11/9/98 -0800, Matthew James Gering wrote:
>Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:
>> cpunks actually contribute to this problem with their nihilistic
>> philosophy in general. the msg is that it is a waste of time
>> to engage in group activity or political discourse or lobbying
>> against the govt or organization or *whatever*... it's actually
>> just a variant on the sheeple passivity.
>"If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is 
>certain that you will create a despotic government to be your 
>master. The wise despot, therefore, maintains among his subjects 
>a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual." 
>                          --Frank Herbert, The Dosadi Experiment 
>I don't think many cpunks (and other freedom loving people) are necessarily
>nihilistic so much as they have come to the conclusion that to ignore and/or
>subvert government has higher probability of success than trying to reform
>it -- much to the demise of the Libertarian Party. The whole cryptography
>and geodesic communications being the bane of the nation-state theme tends
>to support this idea.
>	Matt

The problem is ill-defined. 
the Problem is ill-defined.
the problem is Ill-Defined.

The problem is not cpunks, it is the perception others have towards cpunks.
I think the laws of society will prevent the message(tm) from reaching the
Sheeple(tm) because it would be a disruption in the Daily Routine(tm).

Who coined the phrase; "a sane man, in an insane society...."

|                                                                     |
|   "It is a doctrine of war not to assume the enemy will not come,   |
|    but rather to rely on one's readiness to meet him..."            |
|                                                                     |
|				      		--  Sun Tsu           |

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