dbts: Privacy Fetishes, Perfect Competition, and the Foregone(fwd)

Albert P. Franco, II apf2 at apf2.com
Tue Nov 10 03:22:37 PST 1998

I've been lurking on this thread for a while, and I am amazed by the level
of utopist muck that is being spewed here by you. 

Without some government the Bad Guys will be the only ones with anything.
It is only with the threat of losing their power that leaders do good. If
they had no power which could be lost or taken they will always do what's
best for them in the short term, which is usually to shit on the peons.
Dictators (like Pinochet and Gates) do their dirty deeds because they feel
no need to placate the masses. 

This anarcho-capitalist spew is so much crap that the bullshit indicators
are blaring at top volume. If the people can't control a constitutional
government, known for having peacefully free elections for over two hundred
years, then how the hell do think you can convince somebody that the people
are going to be able to control warlords and monopolies. It's called, "You
don't like it? Bang, Bang, you're dead!" 

Try to lift yourself out of the bullshit of your theory and give us at
least one REAL example (current or historic) of a large scale, long lasting
anarcho-capitalist society. Hippie communes are too small, and make sure
it's capitalistic. If you can't think of one in the next year or so then
come back and tell us.

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