IP: NSA Threatens To "OUT" Republicans Over Hubbell Investigation

Michael Motyka mmotyka at lsil.com
Mon Nov 9 18:14:54 PST 1998

Oh, I suppose so. Part of the Yet Another Conspiracy Conspiracy Theory.

1) The people who run NSA are powerful people in their own right. I
would be surprised if they could be easily made into a simple political

2) If there is ONE country in the world that the US would like to set up
for another "Crypto-AG", another "Softwar"( ok early computer spy story
I read long ago ), which country might that be? And why might NSA not
want media attention? Could it be that someone spoke before thinking?
Ready, fire, aim. That's why I don't go into the woods during deer

It would be damn nifty to be able to snoop ( and override ) the target
country's police and military communications networks and air traffic
systems wouldn't it? Now they're wise before we've got'em mainlining our


Newt Gingrich - There are some good people in the Republican party. Newt
is not one of them. Good riddance to bad rubbish. 

The seemingly crazy Clinton policy shows our President to be
crazy like a fox.  Clinton did what Pollard and Walker could not
do.  President Clinton sold national security secrets for cash
by writing his own legal waivers.  

Clinton's secret crypto policy served to line the pockets of
politicians and greedy corporate executives with red money.  The
Clinton export policy has significantly upgraded the nuclear
strategic and tactical firepower of the Chinese Army.  Clinton,
like Walker and Pollard, sold military code secrets for cash.

America knows more about AREA-51 and UFOs than Ft. Meade and
Webster Hubbell.  Bill Clinton and his China crypto-tale will
never be declassified for the American people.  The Clinton
scandal cover-up is backed by the NSA library of greatest
intercepts against Republicans.

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