How to solve the tax problem w/o anarchy or force (fwd)

Jim Choate ravage at
Mon Nov 9 09:12:27 PST 1998

Forwarded message:

> From: "X" <xasper8d at>
> Subject: RE: How to solve the tax problem w/o anarchy or force
> Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 08:56:29 -0700

> I hope against hope that you are being sarcastic, here.  Obviously our
> F**KED up red-tape spewing government could never pull off such an endeavor.
> Unless, of course, there was a simple way to tell the tax-payers apart from
> those wretched NON-payers.  Maybe something like an ARMBAND?  Embedded
> sub-cut microchip?  Bar-code tattoos?
> Now you've got a workable plan!

How do they tell if you pay taxes now? They keep records. The taxpayer could
also be issued a receipt as proof. Make it DL sized and it'd go right in
your wallat.

It would actualy reduce the amount of paperwork because the vast amount of
enforcement labor and resources wouldn't be needed.

Then there is the obvious observation that folks such as yourself wouldn't
lie about not-being a tax-payer if asked by the nice fireman who just saved
your house (after all it would be a serious crime).

Me thinks you protest too much. It isn't that you don't want to pay taxes,
or that you object to paying higher costs for services than a regular tax
payer. You simply want somebody else to pay for the services you use at
no cost to yourself.

            Lawyers ask the wrong questions when they don't want
            the right answers.

                                        Scully (X-Files)

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
                           -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

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