IP: Crunch Time for Y2K Suppliers

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Sat Nov 7 22:01:25 PST 1998

Seems to me that it would have been just as easy for "believer" to send the
URL to the story as the whole thing. Same with ol'VZ.

Not only is it in poor taste, but it means less people will read the
article on wired.com, which is what pays the rent.


At 01:28 PM 11-7-98 -0800, Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:
>From: believer at telepath.com
>Subject: IP: Crunch Time for Y2K Suppliers
>Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 11:22:46 -0600
>To: believer at telepath.com
>Source:  Wired
>Crunch Time for Y2K Suppliers
> by Declan McCullagh 
> 4:00 a.m.5.Nov.98.PST
> The phones are already ringing when Steve

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