Expert Testimony [ATTN: Donald C. Randolph, Esq.]

Toto toto at
Tue Mar 24 19:08:24 PST 1998

>Mitnick is seeking a highly credentialed expert in computer security,
>telecommunications, system and network administration to testify 

Mr. Mitnick & Mr. Randolph,
  If you desire, I can put you in contact with an individual who has
not only been described as 'The World's Foremost Computer Expert' in
a variety of computer manuscripts and journals dating as far back as
1989, but who would also be willing to testify as to his personal
involvement in the ethical violation of a plethora of MeatSpace laws
in the last few decades during his activities in CyberSpace.
  I am speaking of C.J. Parker.

>Qualified candidates must have an advanced degree and be knowledgeable 
> in DOS, Windows 3.ll, Unix (SunOs & Solaris), VAX/VMS, and Internet
>operations.  Experience with cellular telephone networks is a plus.

  Mr. Parker holds an MBA which was obtained through an accelerated
degree program known as 'hacking,' and can provide transcripts to
verify his being awarded several 'honors' awards by a recognized
institution of higher education.
  He has been involved in top levels of the business and educational 
arenas of the computer industry for the better part of a decade, and
has not only worked with all variety of operating systems and programs,
but also has access to a variety of individuals whose knowledge and
expertise encompasses a range of the industry which is nothing short
of phenomenal.

  Mr. Parker is a co-author of a variety of manuscripts concerning
computer and digital communications issues which were only recognized 
as significant years or decades after his treatment of them.

  The fact that Mr. Parker is certifiably insane in no way dimishes
the accomplishments that he has succeeded in bringing to fruitation
as the president of an international computer company, and as an
outlaw who was spitting in the face of authority since Mr. Mitnick
was wetnursing.

  If you are interested in providing your client with a defense
which will be recognized as sane and competent, then you would be
well advised to ignore my offer.
  If you wish for your client to successfully resist the efforts
of the government to make him a scapegoat for the deficiencies
of the InterNet entities whose resources he shared based upon
his own values and beliefs, then you would be well advised to
further explore my offer.

  In short, Mr. Parker is not currently facing charges for the
same activities that have been committed by your client.
  Think about it.

"The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre"
"WebWorld & the Mythical Circle of Eunuchs"
"The Final Frontier"

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