Stan the Asshole

StanSquncr StanSquncr at
Tue Mar 24 07:41:37 PST 1998

In a message dated 98-03-24 09:06:28 EST, mixmaster at writes:

<< Stan is an asshole, an annoyance on this list. I've 
 killfiled anything with his email address in any 
 header. I suggest everyone do the same. When he gets 
 no responses to anything he posts, he will eventually 
 go away, probably to where "Liberals Go To Die." If 
 you encourage him, I won't see your responses.  I 
 don't wade through the blizzard of this list to have 
 to wipe splashes of airhead liberal shit out of my 
 eyes at every other step.
 GodILoveFiltersMonger II >>

Hey, I requested off this list ages ago.  Why don't you simply pull my
subscription and we'll ALL be happy?  :-)


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