A *Gold-Mine*--Right Under Your Nose?!!

nodebt at mail-info.com nodebt at mail-info.com
Tue Jun 30 18:18:41 PDT 1998

A *Gold-Mine*--Right Under Your Nose?!! 

Take just a minute and look down.  What do you see?  

A thin plastic board with keys on it?  How would you feel 
if I told you those keys were lined with gold?  

Well, it's true!  The keys on your keyboard are FILLED
with PURE GOLD--just sitting there waiting for you to mine
it out!


The Internet...Online Mass Marketing.

With the potential to reach millions, the Internet is the
perfect place to market a product or an idea.  And, the
wonderful thing is that you can have as great a presence
on the World Wide Web as the biggest of the big
corporations, perhaps even greater--


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WE TEACH YOU HOW!

That is why I want to tell you about Online Success.

Online Success is a resource center dedicated to
providing you with the tools to cash in on the
mass Internet marketing-AND-teaching you how to
use them.

It may be far easier then you think...
if you know the inside secrets. 

As a member of the Online Success group, you will have
the constant support of a staff of highly experienced
Internet marketers.  You will be carefully guided step by
step along your path to AMAZING PROFITS through online
marketing success.

>We track the hottest trends so you can reap the profits!

A few examples of what we offer:

>Placement of your ad in 100 of the 
HOTTEST online classifieds.

>Registration of your web-site with the 
TOP 100 search engines.

>Dedicated E-mail account, autoresponder, 
and webspace.

>Your own web-site DOMAIN NAME--FREE to members!
 (An absolute must!)

You will also gain access to the Online Mass Marketing
Institute where you will learn how to make the web work 
for you.

You have no product to offer?  No problem!  

Online Success can even provide you with that!

***And now for the truly amazing Part!***

All of this can be yours for FREE simply by referring two
other individuals that become active Online Success

As a matter of fact, we will PAY YOU a 40% commission
on any additional active referrals!

Imagine that!  MAKE MONEY while you learn how to 

So, why not see how easy it is to mine that wealth of gold
from your keyboard--with the help of Online Success.

Come to our web-site at:


Find out what it's all about and start down your path to
Internet marketing prosperity!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>You make it happen.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Online Success makes it possible.

Thank You,

Karen Flowers

Ref # 109
nodebt at mail-info.com
P.S. Join NOW and we will ALSO include 250 HOT 
Internet and Business Marketing Reports with 
FULL reprint and resale rights...FREE!

This is NOT some simple collection of raw ideas. 
These reports are being sold on the Internet right 
NOW for $49.95!  YOU can become an INSTANT self 
publisher by selling these reports!

P.S.S. We will also include FREE (a $50 value), the 
stand alone report: 

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This report contains the SECRETS to making money 
online that the Internet marketing insiders DON'T 
want YOU to know!

HURRY! This offer from Online Success is for a 
LIMITED time. Make sure you DO NOT miss this new 
and exciting opportunity that will take the Internet 
by storm!

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